Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Launch of

I am pumped about the launch of This web based application is provided free of charge from Life Church and claims to be "Built by a church, for churches...for free!!!" I have spent a little time poking around on the site and am so excited about the possibilities of keeping up with church attendance as well as giving. You can even set it up to keep up with the youth group seperately than the main church by using the seperate campus tool. Nevertheless, check it out, I think you will find it very useful to your ministry.

By the way, read Josh Griffin's post about this on his blog:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday Night's video

We have been in a five week study in Youth Group answering the question "Who is Jesus?" Last week was the final week so we used this great video to bring it all home for the students. They say today's students learn more through a narrative rather than a three point outline, so I am attempting to do more using narratives rather than just a logical progression.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Heck, Even You Could Do IT!!!!

Just finished a great book today. Radically Unchurched by Alvin Reid is a great read for anyone who wants to learn more about reaching the lost around them, especially a good read for pastors or people training to be in the ministry.
One of the many practical ideas found in this book seemed so simple that I nearly didn't even try it. The idea is this: whenever you go to a restaurant ask your waiter or waitress if they have any prayer requests for you to pray for when you pray over your meal. The idea is that this will begin good conversations with people about the Lord. Well today I went out to eat for lunch with two of the members of the church. I did not have this in mind when I showed up, but when I sat down I realized that I had to ask. Just like any wimpy Christian, I tried to make excuses to get out of it, but I knew that I had to do it. When our waitress served us our food I called her by name and said "We are about to pray for our food, do you have anything that we could pray about?" She was shocked at first but asked us to pray for her as she makes a decision about having sugery or not. We prayed for her, but the amazing thing was that when she came back to our table she had a huge smile on her face and thanked me for praying for her. She thanked me at least one other time before I left. I didn't know that it would be anything like this, but now I see. People need to hear about hope, when Christians talk about prayer, they hear hope. I am planning on doing this every time I go out to eat from now on. Will you join me? Will you take the challenge, will you be a conduit for God to show hope and love to be the post-modern people around you? Hey, just try it, I think you will be hooked after one time.

New Song from Everclear - Talk about a wake up Call

I just ran into this website while doing my regular blog reading this afternoon. Everclear has a free download of their new song, you can listen to it and read the words at the site below. The song is an indictment against Christians for the choices and stances they make. I found myself agreeing with the song a lot, and I realized that these are the areas where American Evangelicals do not communicate the true meaning of Christianity. Everclear is not a Christian band by any means, but one thing that can clearly be seen in this song is that Everclear is rejecting American Christianity not Jesus. They may have a somewhat naive or even twisted view of Jesus, but Jesus is not the problem for them, I am (Christians are). We need to learn something here, and realize that the world is begging for answers and even open to Jesus, but they are not open to Christianity.

NOTE: This music is not for the faint of heart. There is cussing, and a wholly irreverent attitude. Just a warning, I don't want any comments about how this song is inappropriate.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Great Blog Post

This is probably the best article, blog, or book on the subject of worship styles I have ever read. Jacob gives a great perspective on it, and will be helpful for all of you. He reminds us that worship is our responsibility as individuals and should not be dictated by worship styles. It is an awesome article, a must read!!! Check it out

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Trip to Frankenmuth

Recently, Jill and I were able to get away for a few days for our anniversary. It was nice to be able to rest for a few days to enjoy each other. It was also nice being in Frankenmuth, a German town here. The food was great, and the view was great as well, but I kept forgeting that we wern't really in Germany so I wouldn't be able to see the Bavarian Alps. What a bummer. (In Michigan we only have a few hills. Anyway, enjoy some pictures.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Resurrection Clip

Tonight we are talking about the Resurrection of Christ. This is the video we are using to introduce it. I think it is going to be great. Enjoy.