Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Drummond Island Day 4

WOW!!! What a day!! Another hike, another great view! The ledges was our destination today, a beautiful coastline, with a very deep drop off. The students loved the beauty, though I think the cold water and wind made them not enjoy it as much as they might have otherwise. The spiritual parts of our trip are going well, all the students are spending a half an hour in "God and I time" every morning, having a time of devotion with their small group every afternoon, and of course a evening service of praise and preaching. It is a great feeling for me to look out and see the students reading their Bibles and learning for themselves (Don't forget to ask them about their new Bibles). I am off, I have to go an help prepare the evening meal of BBQ Chicken, I cannot wait!!! Enjoy the Pictures

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